Please read carefully and make sure you understand our Terms and Conditions before registering. Thank you very much for your patience.
1. If you want to register to become a Taipei Friends Tour member, please complete this “Member Registration Form”.
After registration, you will receive our confirmation email for successful submission. Please allow us 3-5 working days for our response. Short-listed candidates will be informed about the interview details (online/offline) via email, so please check your email regularly.
2. After the interview, we will announce the recruitment result via email within 3 working days and will provide you with further instructions.
3. The minimum age for enrollment is 16 years old. Participants below 16 years old are required to submit an electronic parental consent form which is provided in this registration form.
4. All data collected from us, or provided to us will be confidential and used for records only. Incomplete or false data will be suspended/rejected.
5. Member registration is free of charge. However, you can support us via PayPal or similar channels as stated on our official website.
6. Participants who want to become members of our organisation are encouraged but not required to take the Level 1 - Beginner course before applying to become a member of our organisation.
7. Member registration form and training course registration form are two different forms. Member registration is for people who want to become a volunteer tour guide for Taipei Friends Tour organisation; Training course registration is for people who want to learn about tour guide’s skill and knowledge. If you still have questions, please feel free to contact us.
8. We are NOT responsible for insurance coverage for the participant in which any injuries, loss and damage incurred by the participant.
9. All above terms are subject to change. We will notify you of amendments to these terms and conditions by posting them on the official website. If you DO NOT AGREE with these terms and conditions, please DO NOT fill out the registration form.